
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Random Psalm

Consume me from the inside out O God until only You remain.
You and me alone in the stillness,
Shatter the silence with Your love for me,
Fill this place with Your presence
Surround me with Your glory,
Saturate me.
Breathe Your life into my soul,
Pour out Your Spirit upon me,
Let me know You intimately,
Let me hear You speak my name,
There is no hiding place from You, O God.
Find me where I am.
Liberate me into the bonds of Your love.
Break me and remake me into a vessel of honor fit for Your use.
Stir in me the flame of Your passion for me.
Speak, O God to me of Your love.
Let my heart cry out for You and You alone.
I lay my heart open for You upon Your alter O God.
You see me for who I really and still you love me.
Only You satisfy my every need.
You fulfill me in every way.
My All Sufficient One! My Most High God!
I place You upon the throne of my heart to reign forever
I place You high and lifted up in my heart, my eyes, and my life.
Take me over.

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