
Friday, October 28, 2011

Week of 10/28/11 Featured Shop

This week I am featuring a very good friend of mine, Abigail Patterson who owns Kreative Knittings on

Meet Abigail:

I’ve always loved making and creating things growing up. Both my mom and grandma were crafty however, neither of them knitted. I was home schooled, so crafts were a regular part of my curriculum.

I started knitting about 8 years ago when a friend from Poland showed me how to knit a scarf. Because of where she is from, I learned the continental knitting technique where you hold the yarn in the left hand. After knitting a few scarves, I put the needles down for a while. I eventually got married and continued running my busy dance school. Once in a while, I would knit a scarf, but that’s all I knew how to make.

During the summer of 2010, I decided to take some knitting classes at The Knit Studio in Jackson. My first project: a hat. I made it and it turned out pretty well, so I made a few more trying out different patterns. I fell in love with the idea of making something handmade and using my creativity in a new art form.

Little did I know, a friend was watching my Facebook posts about knitting and she asked me to knit her and her daughter matching hats. I did, and she loved them. She then came to me again around December and asked me about making her some specific knitted items for her photography business. So on a whim, I agreed and began discovering all the different kinds of yarn fibers that you can knit with.

It’s now been a little over a year that I’ve been knitting and selling things and it has been a fun experience learning different patterns to knit.

I love making hand-knit items, especially custom orders. You can find me on Facebook and follow me in all of my adventures in knitting. All orders made on Facebook will be directed back to Etsy for the final transaction.