
Monday, December 26, 2011

Featured Shop of 12/26/2011

This week let me introduce you to Madison Street Beauty, a mineral makeup company from

Madison Street Beauty offers 100% natural mineral makeup, such as foundation, eye shadow, eye liner, blush, bronzer, lip balm and more! They guarantee our mineral make-up will never contain anything artificial or bad for your skin. Madison Street Beauty's makeup contains absolutely NO: synthetic dyes, fragrances, preservatives, chemicals, parabens, fillers, additives, fragrances or talcs.

About Madison Street Beauty:

Madison Street Beauty's cosmetics are handmade from scratch, all-natural and most items are also vegan. It's important to the makers of Madison Street Beauty to create a product that is safe and sustainable for humans, animals, and the environment. They are proud to say that we have never and will never test on animals.

*All of Madison Street Beauty's cosmetics are safe for sensitive skin and non-comedogenic. They strive to make a high-quality product that is intensely pigmented to last you a long time. All of Madison Street's mineral make-up will never ever expire! *as inorganic material, it can not support the growth of bacteria of any kind.

*All of Madison Street Beauty's items are safe to wear whilst you work out, swim, sleep and are all photo-friendly. The photo-friendly quality is achieved by taking special care when making formulas that include reflective minerals so that in photographs your makeup will always look natural and beautiful.

Here are some reviews and tutorials of our products:

Please take this opportunity to see what Madison Street Beauty customers are saying by visiting their feedback page here

~Join Madison Street Beauty on Facebook and meet our 8,000+ fans and get to take part in their  regular giveaways.

Become a fan of Madison Street Beauty for samples, exclusive offers, discounts, giveaways, makeup tips, tutorials and more!

~Follow on Twitter:


Please visit Madison Street Beauty's other shops as well

Monday, December 19, 2011

Featured Shop of Week 12/19/11

This week I am featuring shop EweniqueDesigns.

EweniqueDesigns' luxury soap is made using the cold process method of soap making, where sodium hydroxide is mixed with oils and butters resulting in a chemical reaction which produces soap. Only small batches are made at a time, and each bar is carefully cut by hand. EweniqueDesigns has developed recipes/formulas that result in soap that produces a silky, bubbly lather that gently cleans the skin. Each soap is made with fine vegetable oils and shea/cocoa/mango butters, scented with fragrance oils, and colored with body safe oxides and ultramarines or natural powders like spirulina or cocoa powder. Some may include extra additives like goat milk, oatmeal, calendula, or salt for an out of the ordinary soap. These soaps are different shapes and textures, and most will weigh a little over 4 ounces. EweniqueDesigns strives to create soaps that are a delight to the senses - fragrant, beautifully colored and textured.

The process of making useful handmade items that are both pretty and practical is enjoyable and satisfying. As well as being a soap maker, EweniqueDesigns quilts and knits. Over the years, EweniqueDesigns has made numerous quilts, knit afghans, patchwork bags and pouches. Now these items are being shared with you.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Featured Shop of Week 12/12/11

This week I am featuring shop waterscolorsNmore.

Meet Roxanne Tobaison, owner of watercolorsNmore:

I'm a lifelong Florida resident, and watercolor artist since 1979. My love of nature, bird life, scenery, flora and fauna is reflected in my paintings. Additionally, I love the rich heritage of my area and capture it in many historical landmarks works. I also like to dabble with jewelry using my skills with watercolor to create wearable art. It gives me great joy to share my God-given talents with others through my paintings.

In my shop one will find watercolor paintings, original, prints, ACEOs, note cards and glass tile jewelry and wire wrapped jewelry. My art is: FRAMEABLE, WEARABLE and COLLECTABLE.

Please contact me for additional info.
Blog: (Inactive at this time)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Featured Shop of 12/4/11

This week I am featuring Leah's Heart from

Meet Ginny Carlson, owner of Leah's Heart:

I've been sewing since I was a little girl and my neighbor showed me how to make Barbie clothes. I've grown up a bit since then, and my love of sewing has also grown up, but the joy I take in creating things has never diminished.

I love taking fabric that was used for other purposes and finding a new way to use it! I love figuring out how to do something new with fabric - something I've never done before. I love that I never really know how some of my items are going to turn out. This is especially true for my fabric bowls and Button Babes - they seem to have a mind of their own; always a surprise when the item is completed. Face it - I love fabric no matter what!

Oh - in case you are wondering where Leah's Heart came from, it's my middle name and I love it! This is one way I can honor the name my parent's gave me.

Friday, December 2, 2011

When was the last time you raked your yard?

Today, I was feeling rather ambitious and decided to rake the back yard.  Mind you by back yard is more of a hard incline than a yard so it hasn't been raked much. As far as I know, it never has been in the 5 years we have lived here.  Sad, I know.  Would you want to rake a uphill?

As I began raking, I could smell the decay of rotting pine straw.  Underneath all the pine straw, fallen branches, and twigs was the darkest soil - rich and fertile.  Also as I raked, I noticed the roughness and dangerousness of the terrain.  My kids have been playing on this mountainous like rise without fear.  They could have been hurt by something hiding under the compost of straw, leaves, pine cones, and branches.

It makes me wonder what is hiding under the leaves and straw of our lives.  Is there something dangerous hiding that could cause hurt and pain to another?  Is there something undealt with in our lives that could be a potential danger to our loved ones and those we minister to?

My raking the yard showed me that underneath the surface of our lives, we have treacherous terrain.  As we navigate through life, things of this world pile up on us. People wound us and we move on thinking we are okay, but we have just buried the problem without dealing with it.  The wounds cause our hearts to become rough and buckled.  We react to others in a snappy, rude, judgmental, critical attitude.  Things may look harmless when covered by layers upon layers of trash and spiritual masks.  Deep down there are wounds and scars that we have not allowed God to heal. We pitch fits to get our way and bully others into submitting to our desires.  We point fingers at where they are missing the mark, but never seeing where we ourselves have gotten off track.

How after, we criticize others for their reactions or their lives don't measure up to our standards.  The Word should be the standard for their lives and our own. It is not our place to say one person is not able to be used of the Lord because we don't agree with their walk.  We are to work out our OWN salvation with fear and trembling (see Philippians 2:12).  We as Christians should take a good look at our own lives and hearts.  It's easy to sit back on the pew Sunday after Sunday, Wednesday after Wednesday and see the faults in others without first removing the debris from our own lives.  The Bible says in Matthew 7:3, "Why do you stare from without at the very small particle that is in your brother's eye but do not become aware of and consider the beam of timber that is in your own eye?" (AMP)

Hear the words of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7,
"Love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude. Love isn't selfish or quick tempered. It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do. Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil. Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting."

The Amplified states verse 5 like this: 
"It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God's love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong]."
Did you catch that?  Love is "not self-seeking".  When we criticize another based on our own standards, we are being self-seeking.  If we are truly walking in love, then we will see through the eyes of love and see the second thing I saw in my yard.

The second thing I found while raking was rich soil underneath the pine straw. The rich soil of our lives in contrast to the terrain is the Word we have allowed to soak deep within us.  That good part of our lives that is so hidden by outward displays.  The outward is all most people ever see.  It's easy to find fault when all you see is life's debris on a person. After all is swept away, we can really see what a person really is.  There is an inward work going on in each and every one of us.  We must be willing to be raked over by the Holy Ghost so that those things that should not be in our lives to be removed.  There is fertile ground in each of us.  What we plant there is up to us.  Plant good things in each other and you will reap the good in yourself.  Philippians 2:3 states, " Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves". (KJV) 

All of this from raking my back yard.  God works in mysterious ways.  This one thing I take away from my outside activity, we will only be able to help others when we first rake our own yard.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

DramaticElegance: the first

DramaticElegance: the first: {via pinterest } i can hardly believe that today is the first of December. each time a new month comes around, i sit back and ponder ...

A Lesson In Faith As Taught By A Four Year Old

I have always tried my best to teach my children, even though they are still very young, the power of faith in God and prayer.  I never really know how much it sinks in after all they are 2 years old and 4 years old. My oldest, James, is very literal when it comes to what you tell him as well as very flamboyant.  This little jewel has all the makings of a powerful man of God.  There have been many times he has told me something that God told him.  It blows my mind that most adults can't even hear God and a four year old can already distinguish His voice.

On Sunday, my oldest had just entered the children's church room at our church and politely told his teacher that the devil was in the room and they needed to pray so he would leave.  Well, of course, the teacher did just as James asked.  His teacher told me that they had the best time in children's church after they all had prayed. But the story doesn't end there...

Tuesday, I woke up with a headache on the verge of being a migraine.  Every little noise was piercing to my head.  Well, James decides to start bouncing on the bed telling me to get up because it was "morning time".  I had to ask him to stop because it was really starting to make me nauseous. His little response was, "You no feel good?"  I told him my head was hurting and asked him to pray.  This was where it gets so sweet.  He comes over and put his hands on my belly and starting praying this little prayer, "God is our Healer. Jesus will heal you by 10 o'clock this morning.  Amen."

He then runs off to play.  I dragged myself out of bed and told my husband what James had said.  He was just as amazed as I was that this little child had faith enough in God to believe for a healing and even went as far as to be bold enough to put a time on it.  By 10 o'clock, I was completely pain and symptom FREE!

My child knew more about the power of faith that I could have ever imagined.  Somehow, all of those lessons and praying over him had sunk deep within his little spirit.  He embodied Hebrews 11:1 which states, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen". (KJV) He knows enough about God to know that he can have the things he prays for.  If we all could have such faith.  His substance of things hoped for was my healing, the evidence is what he had heard me teach him about God and Jesus.  Proverbs 22:6 states, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (KJV)

Hebrews 11:6 says, "But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."(KJV)

Hear the words of Jesus as stated in Mark 10:15, "Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive and accept and welcome the kingdom of God like a little child [does] positively shall not enter it at all." (AMP)

If only we would become as little children and believe God at His word, how much better would this world be.

Monday, November 28, 2011

This Week's Featured Shop

This week's featured Etsy shop is Make It Special Mosaics:

Meet Rose Gutierrez, owner & creative genius of Make It Special Mosaics:

My desire to create unique mosaic art brings me immeasurable joy and pleasure. I am extremely blessed by the Lord for this gift and for the inspiration He brings to me each day.

It is with hope that something I have designed will find its way into your home, office or as a gift for someone special. Custom designs are my specialty. Feel free to contact me with any ideas and I will work with you to Make It Special!! It’s a pleasure to share my art with you.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Major Sale


We are having a major sale beginning at midnight, November 26th through Midnight November 28th.  Save 35% off all Necklaces and Sets (excluding Sterling Silver).  This is the biggest sale we have run to date.  As always, we offer FREE domestic shipping and a FREE Priority Mail upgrade on all domestic orders $40 or more. After this sale is over, you can still save 20% off on every order of $15 or more.  Coupon code will be posted on November 29th.  Happy shopping!


Congratulations to Ginny Carlson from Leah's Heart. She won the Christian Artists Promoting Shops Team's Item Based Treasury Contest on Etsy.  Click here to view her winning treasury.  Make sure you visit her blog as well.  Ginny wins a full month of advertising on this blog.  Her shop, Leah's Heart, will also be featured December 5th through December 11th.

Congrats also go out to our two runners up, Roxanne of watercolorNmore and EweniqueDesigns.  Roxanne's treasury is here, and EweniqueDesigns' treasury is here.  Both of these artisans will be featured during the month of December.  Roxanne's shop will be featured December 12th through December 18th. EweniqueDesigns will be featured the following week.

Again congratulations to all our winners and many happy sales during this Christmas shopping season!

Shelly Owen
Raziela Designs

Monday, November 21, 2011

Featured Shop of 11/21/11

This week I am featuring Spread The Word Jewelry & Art from

Meet April, Owner/Artist of Spread The Word:

I enjoy making things. God created me to be creative! I take photographs of everything. I just recently started making jewelry. It's so much fun coming up with new creations. I also enjoy writing poetry and drawing. My husband has also been making several copper pieces with me. It's so nice to see his work and plus we get to spend time together while creating new pieces. love him!

If you need any items personalized, I would LOVE to do a designer piece unique to you.

**Check out my monster lizard designs at my other etsy store : MonsterLizardDesigns**

Monday, November 14, 2011

Week of 11/14/11 Featured Shop

This week I am featuring Proclaim His Name from Etsy.

Meet James Michael Shirden, Owner/Artist of Proclaim His Name:

I live in Erlanger Kentucky, and work with my brothers and my dad in a small family business. Many years prior I served in the Air Force for eight years, calling both Germany and England home for a time.

I began painting about five years ago, after my children, Jamie and Cory, no longer needed me for entertainment. I currently live a simple life with my two Boston Terriers, Ethel and Alice, and when I'm not working, I'm painting. I keep the Sabbath and the Feast Days of Yah, and adhere to the Torah. Needless to say, I'm quite an oddity around here.

I was raised in a Christian family, and I raised a Christian family, but I never really thought too much about my faith. I just took it for granted. About three years ago, I began to realize that I was missing so much and felt compelled to search the scriptures, to learn all I could about our Creator, about our Redeemer, and to find out, from the source, how I am to live my life. My journey is just beginning, and my relationship with Him grows everyday.

My desire is to share His name with others, to "Proclaim His Name." I have no idea how many people know the name of our Creator and the name of His son, but I fear it is relatively few. I didn't for most of my life. I want to change that. If just one of my paintings prompts someone to learn more, to dig deeper, if a question pops into their mind that they are compelled to answer, then I will have succeeded.  Original Artwork to "Proclaim His Name" in your home. Many paintings have a simple theme...our Creator's name, or the name of our Messiah. Other paintings take an article, such as the Menorah, or an idea or message from scripture, and make a visual statement. My desire is to create art that inspires the viewer to think beyond what is on the canvas.  100% of the price you pay for your painting will be donated to

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Week of 11/6/11 Featured Shop

This week I am featuring Stone Creek Turnings from

Meet Eric and Jennifer, owners/designers of Stone Creek Turnings:

Turning wood has evolved into a great hobby that I am now able to share with you. My favorite part of turning wood is uncovering the beauty within the wood. It is also very relaxing to watch the shavings fly! I have enjoyed being able to display my work throughout my home and truly believe that you will too.


I am the other side of the this shop. I would love to be as creative as my husband is, but some one has to love doing the business side of the shop. Just one of the many reasons why we "work." He makes beautiful creations and I get to have fun responding to emails and tweaking item descriptions.


Check out our blog we both write posts for at I’m new to the blogging scene but I am looking forward to sharing more about my woodworking and a bit more about me. I really enjoy trying new techniques and styles so I would love to know what you like and would like to see more of! Use code SCTBLOG for 10% off your purchase from our shop.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Week of 10/28/11 Featured Shop

This week I am featuring a very good friend of mine, Abigail Patterson who owns Kreative Knittings on

Meet Abigail:

I’ve always loved making and creating things growing up. Both my mom and grandma were crafty however, neither of them knitted. I was home schooled, so crafts were a regular part of my curriculum.

I started knitting about 8 years ago when a friend from Poland showed me how to knit a scarf. Because of where she is from, I learned the continental knitting technique where you hold the yarn in the left hand. After knitting a few scarves, I put the needles down for a while. I eventually got married and continued running my busy dance school. Once in a while, I would knit a scarf, but that’s all I knew how to make.

During the summer of 2010, I decided to take some knitting classes at The Knit Studio in Jackson. My first project: a hat. I made it and it turned out pretty well, so I made a few more trying out different patterns. I fell in love with the idea of making something handmade and using my creativity in a new art form.

Little did I know, a friend was watching my Facebook posts about knitting and she asked me to knit her and her daughter matching hats. I did, and she loved them. She then came to me again around December and asked me about making her some specific knitted items for her photography business. So on a whim, I agreed and began discovering all the different kinds of yarn fibers that you can knit with.

It’s now been a little over a year that I’ve been knitting and selling things and it has been a fun experience learning different patterns to knit.

I love making hand-knit items, especially custom orders. You can find me on Facebook and follow me in all of my adventures in knitting. All orders made on Facebook will be directed back to Etsy for the final transaction.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Week of 10/17/11 Featured Shop

This week I am featuring a friend's shop: Accents by Dave

Meet Dave, owner/designer of Accents by Dave:

I live just outside Atlanta , Ga. where I spend my time designing and creating jewelry, and tending to sales from my two supply shops. I have been creating my own pieces for 5 years now. I get an immense satisfaction from this work and love nothing better than to hear all the compliments on my work and have it find a happy home.

From March to May, I do one or two shows a month, but come May till December, I do at least 7 shows a month. I really enjoy craft shows, as I enjoy the attention my work gets when people see it up close and in person.

I have 4 other shops here at Etsy -

My beading supply shop, where I have over 600 gemstones, and findings at any given time

And for vintage items,

I also have a new Jewelry shop, , where I will be featuring most all of my Shawl pin and barrettes, but also some earrings, pendants, and necklaces, made almost exclusively from the items I sell in my supply shop.

And my newest shop, , was created to try and relieve my Windspirit shop of the over 120 wire listings I had cluttering up the shop.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Week of 10/09/2011 Featured Shop

I came across this shop on Etsy and felt it was well deserving of a feature.  These have to be some of the most unique and beautiful ear cuffs I have ever seen.  So I am featuring this week Thyme2Dream.

"I create jewelry for Fae & Elven folk and have recently discovered that mortals like it my shop you will find unusual jewelry items~ ear cuffs, bohemian wraps (ear wraps), arm cuffs, tiaras, circlets, hair vines combs & twirls, rainbows and other fairy accouterments."

"Fantasy, Medieval and Renaissance wedding jewelry is also a specialty of mine...I would love to work with you to create something unique for YOUR special day!



I am honored to be a member of the Wire Artisans Guild. Visit the link below for a complete list of member shops on Etsy, and to see some amazing jewelry art from our members worldwide:

OR search in titles/tags on etsy for: teamwireartisans

A group of talented etsyians from the Kansas City area...if you are local please check out our blog for area trunk shows and more:

To see etsy items for sale from the group search: kcetsyteam

A delightfully talented group of fae and elven folk...if you like my wares, a FAE team search will definitely tickle your for: Faeteam

Also, visit our latest artisan exhibition~

I love rock ~ From the naturally heart shaped piece of Kansas River rock my boys found for me one day on a home school outing, to the lovely cool feeling of blue chalcedony or the magical shimmer of rainbow moonstone~ all stones become my friends when I work with them.

Wrapping and spiraling with wire and gemstones seems to be a natural combination for me…Most of my pieces are not planned, they just sort of happen as I play with the elements of the design.

I am also fascinated by the ‘personalities’ that different cultures and traditions have given gemstones through the ages, and often combine them with specific meanings in mind as a blessing to the person who will eventually wear them. Above all, I try to put a lot of love and joy into everything I create!

Fairy elven ear cuffs & jewelry handmade to order. Wedding tiaras, fairy jewelry sets, crowns for men, renaissance & medieval costume accessories are also available in my wedding shop and hubby Ian's circlet shop:

Monday, October 3, 2011

This Week's Featured Shop

This week, I'm featuring Rustic Carvings:

Meet Christine, owner of Rustic Carvings:

Hi! (waves) My name is Christine. I’m the one behind the computer, and in the garage, errr...workshop, making the items you see displayed via Rustic Carvings.

I'm happily married to a wonderfully brilliant man, and we have 5 dogs. When we aren't working, we're probably vacuuming. We also have the first addition of our two-legged brood, due this December 22nd. We're pretty excited.

I’m a CPA. I know, weird, right? You wouldn’t expect a CPA making and selling artwork, huh? Well, this is my "day job" now, and I'm happily content with designing, carving, sawing, sanding, and finishing....

To stay updated, you can check me out at:
If you like the imperfection of the world around you, aren’t troubled by the flaws and knots in wood because you see them as giving a piece character and definition, and are interested in unique, personalized, gifts, then you’ve come to the right place.

All of my designs are made out of reclaimed or FSC regulated wood. What is reclaimed wood, you say? It’s taking wood that has previously been used, or were scraps from another project, and “recycling” them into something desirable. I call it artwork.

Functional artwork. Rustic. Eco-friendly. Handmade. Character. Reclaimed wood. That’s what you’ll find here.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Loving Coastal Living by SeaShellsbySeaShore

Loving Coastal Living by SeaShellsbySeaShore

is giving away FREE advertising on their site for your business. Check it out and make sure you tell her I sent you! Best of Luck!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Coupon Code for Featured Shop

Annie Reh is offering 15% off her shop through this blog.  The code is good for both her shops:
anniereh and artisticcreations21

The just enter code ANNIEREH15 at checkout.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Week of 9/26/2011 Featured Shop

This week I am featuring The Annie Reh Collection from

Meet Annie Reh, owner/designer of The Annie Reh Collection:

The Annie Reh Collection is truly unique and one of a kind. Each piece is individually designed and handcrafted by Jewelry Artisan Annie Reh. My handmade jewelry is described as elegant, classy and sophisticated. My designs are simple enough to pair with jeans, yet special enough to wear with an evening gown. My exclusive creations are perfect for giving that perfect unique gift for someone special in your life or treating yourself to a one-of-kind creation.

I only use  the finest quality materials, including freshwater pearl, genuine gemstone, semi-precious stone, Swarovski crystal, cubic zirconia's and silver such as sterling, bali, Turkish and Tibet. I only use reputable suppliers.

If you would like to be on my mailing list email me with your email. I frequently send out flyers with my latest designs, sales and updates.

Please contact me through Etsy "conversations" or email with any questions, etc. Thanks so very much for visiting the store!

Annie Reh

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week of 9/19/2011 Featured Shop

This week I am featuring Bramblewood Fashion Boutique from Etsy:

Hello! My name is Ashley. I'm twenty-one years old. A Christian. A stay at home daughter who is a home-school graduate who loved everything old-fashioned. I strive to dress modestly, but in a very feminine and modernized vintage way. In all I do, I hope to glorify God! Soli Deo Gloria! I also run a modest fashion blog called, Bramblewood Fashion. Be sure to stop by and say hello!

I grew up loving anything artsy. When I was growing up you would find me covered in paint, glitter in my hair, glue on my hands, singing in a hairbrush, and putting on plays for my family.

Now, I put all this creativity into my home business - sewing and crafting for you! I enjoy creating. In my shop you will find skirts that are modest - yet stylish and girlie, purses that hold everything a girl needs, earrings that take you to a far away place, dresses that are vintage-inspired, aprons that have a touch of elegance, and what ever else that strikes my fancy! :)

My store, Bramblewood Fashion Boutique, is dedicated towards modest fashions that are stylish for today's ladies. All skirts are unique, you won't find another one like them anywhere. I draft all my own skirt patterns. Everything in my shop is ready to ship. There is no waiting for me to make everything.